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Azure Market Place


Apart from installing Exivity in any on-premises environment, Exivity can also be deployed from the Azure Market Place (AMP). Deploying Exivity on AMP is straightforward, and can be finished within a few minutes via your Azure Portal.

Azure Marketplace Offering

Login to your Azure Portal at and then go to the Marketplace to search for the Exivity offer:

Exivity on Azure Market Place

Once you've selected the Exivity offering, you should be presented with the following screen:

Deploy the Exivity AMP solution

After clicking the Create button, you will be redirected to the VM deployment wizard

Deployment Wizard

  1. Fill in a Windows user/pass and pick your deployment Resource Group:


Make sure to write down this username and password, as you will need these when connecting to the Exivity Windows server using the Remote Desktop Protocol.

  1. Try to pick a recommended VM size type that has enough CPU's and Memory (see this page for general system requirements). Smaller machines are possible, but will influence performance:

Pick an Azure VM type for your Exivity deployment

  1. You may select any additional options, but none are required for running Exivity successfully, so you may skip this page simply by clicking the OK button:

  1. Review the summary and click Create to deploy your Exivity VM:

This may take a few minutes. You may review the status of the Virtual Machine in your VM list:

Write down the Public IP address once it is available. Optionally you may configure a custom DNS name to have an easy way to connect.

Connecting to your Exivity instance

You may need to log in first to your Exivity instance using a Remote Desktop client after the initial deployment has finished. To do so, connect to the IP address with your RDP client, and login with the username and password which you provided in the Azure portal during deployment of the VM. After you login, you will need to wait up to 15 minutes for the deployment to finish.

After this waiting period, you should be able to connect to your instance using the public IP address or DNS name of your Exivity instance considering the following default URL:

  • https://<Your_Public_IP>

login to Exivity

The default admin username is admin with password exivity.

By default no data is loaded into the system, so you'll have to create a new Extractor for obtaining consumption data and a Transformer to process that data. A Report Definition is then created to be able to report on your consumption metrics and costs.

Next steps

A couple of getting started guides are provided here, but feel free to drop us an e-mail or create a ticket in our support portal. We will then assist you to get you started for your specific use case.